
WCS Construction 2022

Pike 3400

Arlington, VA

Pike 3400 by owner Pike 3400 Associates, LLC.  The project involves the redevelopment of a Rosenthal car dealership site at 3400 Columbia Pike, Arlington, Virginia, into a 257-unit, five-story podium building with ground-floor retail and a parking garage that is one and a half levels below grade. The exterior façade is comprised of masonry, hardie and metal panels, low E glass, and structural steel features.  Amenities will include a fitness center, party room, cyber lounge, and café, a dog park on the roof, and a swimming pool in one of the two courtyards with a fountain in the other. Brick pavers and a concrete walkway surround the building for a neighborhood feel. Gross Building area 396,850 sq ft, Garage area 141,500 sq ft. Retail area 15,450 sq ft, Amenities area 8,900 sq ft.  The LEED for Homes Silver Certification project is designed by Lessard Design.

project details

Units: 245 apartment units with 12 townhomes, ground floor retail

Client: Pike 3400 Associates, LLC

Value: $52.5 million


Delta Associates 2010 Best Mid-Atlantic Low-Rise Apartment Community
AGC of DC 2010 New Construction Under $75 million
ABC Excellence in Construction Award 2010 (Residential Multi Mid-Rise (under 5 story) on Podium.